This show explores questions of form, feeling, memory, and perception. This group exhibition is interested in refusals of inclusion within hegemonic structures, imaginaries and languages of belonging, and reorients us towards other common grounds. The idea for this show arose out of debates over neoliberalism’s rhetoric of diversity and inclusion that does not transform the structures of institutions fundamentally premised upon exclusion. Through works that take many forms, including performance, painting, photography, print, sculpture and installation, artists in this exhibition explore what we see and how we feel, what we perceive as real and imaginary, and how memories are not just remembered but carried in our bodies. The works in this show dissolve the boundaries between waking and sleeping, seeing and feeling, and offer alternatives to static figurations of singular being and belonging. The exhibition features works by Kevin Bonilla, Babs Byrd, James Hsieh, Luma Jasim, Paulina Kim, Alexander Papakonstadinou, Alex Salerno and Scynge Yunxin Xing.
New York City, NY; NYC