Curated by Ishmael Houston-Jones, the DraftWork series hosts informal Saturday afternoon performances that offer choreographers an opportunity to show their work in various stages of development. Performances are followed by discussion and a reception during which artists and audiences share perspectives about the works-in-progress.
Hadar Ahuvia grew up in Israel and Florida, trained at the San Francisco Conservatory of Dance, and earned a BA from Sarah Lawrence College. Past and current collaborations include work with Tatyana Tenenbaum, Kathy Westwater, Stuart Shugg, Anna Sperber, Molly Poerstel, Jon Kinzel, Sara Rudner, Jill Sigman, and Jeremy Pheiffer. Ahuvia has presented work at DTW/NYLA (2011-2012 Fresh Track Artist), EMPAC, The Chocolate Factory's Throw, CPR, Dixon Place, Aunts, Catch 59, and at the Eastport Art Center, Maine.
Jacob Slominski has been making and performing dance since 2005. Since moving to New York in 2009, he has performed for Faye Driscoll, Ishmael Houston-Jones, and Jack Ferver. His own work has been shown at CPR, BAX, CATCH, and Chez Bushwick.
New York City, NY; NYC