Acclaimed filmmaker Apichatpong Weerasethakul presents a series of short films made between 2005-2022, followed by a conversation with film historian and curator Richard Pena, Film and Media Studies. Screening: The Anthem, 2006, 35mm, color, sound, 5 mins On Blue, 2022, color, sound, 16:22 mins Mobile Men, 2008, color, sound, 4 mins Footprints, 2014, color, sound, 6 mins Cactus River, 2012, black and white/colour, sound, 10 mins Ghost of Asia, collaboration with Christelle Lheureux, 2005, colour, sound, 9 mins Monsoon, 2011, color, sound, 3 mins Worldly Desires, 2005, color, sound, 42 mins A Letter to Uncle Boonmee (Primitive project), 2009, color, sound, 18 mins Ablaze, 2016, HD, color, sound, 5 mins In Thai with English subtitles.
New York City, NY; NYC