Lawn School is a series of free classes, lectures, discussions and workshops that occur on the lawns of public parks throughout New York City. They are open to any and all to teach and attend. The goal is to facilitate an open and welcoming learning environment in a public space, provide an opportunity for those who wish to teach a course or share a skill with interested peers to do so, and engage a diverse audience who is interested in learning but otherwise may not attend public lectures or peer to peer skill share.
Strange Makings taught by Ed Woodham - Art is art because it shakes us out of our complacency, reminding us that we are alive and that things don’t have to be the way they are. It reminds us that anything is possible, despite the fact that we routinely convince ourselves that things are just as they are—the way we’ve inherited them. Participants will be introduced to the concept of ‘defamiliarization’ and experience public performative actions (by surprise guests) making the familiar strange.
So Valuable It's Free taught by Amy Whitaker - It's a cliche of Animal House theme songs and Visa ads: the best things in life are free. Or priceless. But what does this really mean, and how does that kind of free exist in a market economy? In case studies from drinking water to student debt to the emergence of new ideas to the basic existential questions of how to live, look at value and how economics does or does not measure it well. Ultimately, it's a story about what is important to you, and how to use economics to design space for it.
BODYroll: Club moves for the flygurl is all of us! taught by Viva - Do you wanna feel flyer than Mariah circa ’95 and make every single Spice Girl jealous? Join Viva for her class BODYroll as she tones, strengthens, and trains your body to look hella fresh. With slammin’ moves and bangin’ groves, you can shoop it straight from the class to the club to the boudoir. No experience necessary; Viva will be incorporating aspects of dance-aerobix, hip-hop, bounce & voguing into simple phrases necessary for DIVA DANCE FLOOR DOMINATION.
New York City, NY; NYC