The Phone Call (2013), 22 minutes This Oscar-award winning short film follows Heather (Sally Hawkins, The Shape of Water, Blue Jasmine), a shy lady who works at a helpline call center. When she receives a phone call from a mystery man she has no idea that the encounter will change her life forever. Wish 143 (2009), 24 minutes When a fifteen-year-old boy discovers he has months to live he is granted one wish from the Dreamscape Charity. However, David doesn't want to go to Disneyland or meet a star footballer, what he really wants is an hour alone with a naked woman. 97% (2013), 8 minutes While riding the subway, Bert receives an dating app alert that the girl of his dreams is nearby. Now he has to find her in a crowded car before the train reaches the end of the line. A Single Life (2014), 3 minutes When playing a mysterious vinyl single, Pia is suddenly able to travel through her life.
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