Andrew Bolotowsky, flute; Elizabeth Rodgers, piano; Mary Hurlbut, vocals. Program: Elodie Lauten (1950 - 2014) The Five-Petal Proportion Beth Anderson (1954 - ) Various Jim Theobald ( ) Mantra John Cage (1912 - 1992) A Flower John Cage (1912 - 1992) Variations on "America" Charles Ives (1874 - 1954) Ann Street Charles Ives (1874 - 1954) The Cage Charles Ives (1874 - 1954) The Side Show Charles Ives (1874 - 1954) The Things Our Fathers Loved (and the greatest of these was Liberty) Charles Ives (1874 - 1954) The Childrens' Hour Charles Ives (1874 - 1954) He is There! Andrew Bolotowsky is a well-known and frequently recorded flautist from New York City. He has performed over three thousand concerts throughout the United States and with many orchestras and chamber ensembles throughout the region. Collaborative pianist is in demand as a recitalist with singers and instrumentalists, in chamber, orchestral, choral, and operatic repertoire. She performs regularly with Downtown Music, Music Under Construction, American Chamber Opera, New York Gilbert and Sullivan Players, American Landmark Festivals, and Libero Canto. Mary Hurlbut has performed and collaborated with a number of composers and ensembles, including Elodie Lauten, Judith Sainte Croix (with Sonora Trio), Lenore Von Stein (The Facts), Downtown Music Productions, Arts Loisaida, Downtown Ensemble, American Festival of Microtonal Music, Cygnus Ensemble and The New Music Consort. Proof of vaccination is required upon entry. Masks are strongly encouraged but not required.
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