A ground-breaking performance fusing opera and animation, bringing the story of Anne Frank to the stage. The show brings to life the optimistic, heartening, and timeless words excerpted from Anne Frank's diary. Animation designer Yuriko Katori's 2000 animations illustrate the history of WWII, Anne's life, her hiding place as well as family and friends. The Vienna and NYC-based director Anna Etsuko Tsuri has united the contemporary music of Russian composer Grigory Frid with visual art into a vivid theatrical experience. Director Anna Etsuko Tsuri has directed more than 20 opera projects in many cities like Vienna, Berlin, Tokyo, New York, Boston and Washington DC. She has put two of her productions at the John F. Kennedy Center. Her other work experience consists of 80 productions at opera houses and festivals such as the Vienna State Opera, the Metropolitan Opera, Carnegie Hall, Washingon National Opera, Komische Opera Berlin, Théâtre du Soleil à Paris, Bregenzer Festspiel, Dortmund Opera Haus, New National Theater Tokyo, and the Bayreuth Festival for Young Artists. Performed by Kate Fruchterman as Anne Frank; Yumiko Osaragi, piano. Soprano Kate Fruchterman made her role debut in Frid's Anne Frank with Opera Pomme Rouge in 2018. Ms. Fruchterman was praised for her "flawless vocal performance" for her Marzelline (Fidelio) debut at West Bay Opera. Through the Amber Capital Scholarship from the Opera Foundation, she sang at the Teatro Regio di Torino for the 2015-16 season, appearing as Sacerdotessa (Aida), Second Woman (Dido and Aeneas), and Mother (Pollicino), among others. Recent roles include Corinna (Il Viaggio à Reims), Cleopatra (Giulio Cesare), and Pamina (Die Zauberflöte). Pianist / accompanist Yumiko Osaragi has performed in numerous theatres and concert halls such as the Vienna Konzerthaus, Schönbrunn Theater, Roßauer Kasserne, Haus der Musik and the Republic of Austria Parliament. Among others, Yumiko has collaborated with several world-famous singers such as Elisabeth Kulmann, Aida Garifullina, Tommi Hakala, Ursula Pfitzner, Victoria Loukianetz and Daichi Fujiki. Her artistic collaboration with world-renowned conductors and directors include; Tiziano Duca, Beverly Blankenship, Peter Marschik and Robert Simma.
New York City, NY; NYC