Sophie Seita is the author of Fantasias in Counting (BlazeVOX) and 12 Steps (Wide Range). She is currently writing a long poem called Meat, a play titled Don Carlos, or Royal Jelly, an artist book, a translation of Uljana Wolf, and recently finished a video, “Objects I Cannot Touch,” for SoundEye in Cork, Ireland. Her academic research is on avant-garde little magazines.
Ron Silliman published four books in 2014 including Northern Soul (Shearsman) and BART (Cuadro de Tiza Ediciones) in Spanish. In addition to appearing at StAnza, the Text Festival, the Poetry Moon Festival, US Poets in Mexico, Avant-Canada, and the Windsor International Writers Conference last year, he recorded Sunset Debris with the band Ihmissyöjän ystävät (Friends of the Cannibal).
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