Milton Babbitt’s Electronic and Live World
BABBITT it takes twelve to Tango (1984)
BABBITT Minute Waltz (or 3/4 ± 1/8) (1977)
BABBITT Playing for Time (1977); Jie Fang, piano
BABBITT Ensembles for Synthesizer (1964)
DAVIDOVSKY Synchronisms No. 12, for clarinet and electronic sounds (2008); Shen Liu, clarinet
LANSKY notjustmoreidlechatter (1989) for computer-manipulated voices
VINCENT Canonball, Cathy, and Three Way from A Jazz Set (1957, trans. 1990)
MARTINO A Set for Clarinet (1954); Yoonah Kim, clarinet
KIM Dear Linda (1993)
BABBITT More Melismata (2005-06); Issei Herr, cello
BABBITT Philomel (1964), for soprano, recorded soprano, and synthesized sound; Poem of John Hollander; Liv Redpath, soprano
Milton Babbitt's World takes place Jan. 22 and Jan. 25-29.
New York City, NY; NYC