Blackness is not monolithic. There are many ways to be Black. There are many diasporas and many stories. Many of these diasporas and stories intersect and intertwine. During the last ten years, African American artists have gained stronger representation in European cultural contexts, often whilst local Afro European histories and peoples remain overlooked and marginalized. When exhibiting and/or performing abroad African American performers encounter these European cultural contexts, and are confronted with viewers who have limited knowledge of local racial discourses, African American history, or Black performance history. This performative lecture by Dr. des. Nana Adusei-Pokuengages deals with the ways in which Black identity is experienced, through an autobiographical collage, which situates itself outside of the middle passage narrative in order to open gateways of relations, which find seldom address in the US American dominant narrative of Blackness.
New York City, NY; NYC