This show explores how artists tap into our 21st century visual comprehension through gesture, symbolism, and pop-culture iconography— all deeply rooted in art historical traditions. In a flood of text messages, emails, and notifications, we have shifted our focus away from the written word, and instead, have gravitated towards a visual vocabulary of selfies, memes, and iconographic and pop culture references that signal both personal identities and worldviews, and serve as symbols of literacy and community connectedness in our rapidly developing upcycling image culture. Using the artworks of Charles Clary, Nanse Kawashima, and Cassandra Zampini, viewers are invited to flex their visual literacy by recognizing familiar gestures, symbols, and icons while contemplating the artist’s intention behind each work. When viewed together, these artworks delve into deeper conversations about the seductive power, nostalgia, and simplicity of visual communication, while also addressing the dangers, biases, and miscommunications. The show asks, "As we continue to navigate in this digital age, should we place a higher value on visual literacy? Is our society aptly weighing the Visual Implications?"
New York City, NY; NYC