Because this park includes so many varied habitats, it's loaded with shoots and greens in early summer, and many of these renewable resources are edible and medicinal. You'll find spicy hedge mustar, poor man's pepper greens, celery-, parsley-, and carrot-flavored goutweed, violet leaves and flowers. You'll encounter Kentucky coffee trees, with seeds you can use to make the world's best caffeine-free coffee substitute, as well as for seasoning hot chocolate, chocolate pudding, and chocolate truffles. The wineberry: this invasive Asian species of raspberry, which grows in thickets, is way better than any store-bought raspberry. Further on, you'll see poison ivy and by the end of the tour, everyone will be able to recognize it instantly. You'll also find jewelweed, which prevents poison ivy rash if applied after contact, and also cures mosquito bites and insect stings. The tour will last for about 4 hours.
New York City, NY; NYC