With great musicians she hand selects, Antoinette Montague brings the fire, passion and energy needed to complement a dynamic songstress to make The Antoinette Montague Experience an incredible evening of excellence in the arts. When she includes a tap dancer, it is an additional accompaniment to the band, incorporates jazz traditions with the historical marriage of the music and dance, successfully integrating artful style to enhance the jazz experience. With her repertoire of swing, blues, bebop, storytelling, explosive excitement and entertainment-Antoinette Montague brings down the house each and every time she performs. Antoinette Montague has performed internationally at hundreds of venues as varied as Jazz at Lincoln Center, NYC famed The Charlie Parker Festival, Blue Note, Dizzys, and The Belgarad Philarmonic Orchestra in Russia, US State Department tours, Ashdod Orchestra in Israel. Utemeyer Arts Center, Jeonju International Singers Fest representing the USA, in South Korea, NJPAC Dorthaans Place, the Eleuthera All That Jazz Festival in the Bahamas and has been a consultant to launched and headlined several great jazz and music festivals.
New York City, NY; NYC