Hosted by Liza Jesse Peterson and Khalil Cumberbatch, this performance will feature the work of a host of NYC artists showcasing how the arts can play a vital role in building communities based in justice and liberation, celebrating the resilience of the justice-impacted community and focusing the city’s attention on the many ways that the “justice” system is failing to actually create justice for so many inhabitants of New York City. Organizations represented at the festival will include ARTE (Art & Resistance Through Education), Columbia Law School's Center of Institutional and Social Justice, College and Community Fellowships, Dances for Solidarity, Drama Club, Echoes of Incarceration, Exodus Transitional Community, Freedom Agenda, The National Council for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Women and Girls, Parole Prep Project, PEN America, RAPP (Release Aging People in Prison), Recess Art, Rehabilitation Through the Arts, Survivors Justice Project, Survived and Punished NY, Theater of the Oppressed NYC, Theater for Social Change Ensemble, Urban Justice Center, Urban Word, and Vera Institute for Justice. The performance will feature work from Lynn Nottage, Arianna Afsar, Storyteller's Lab, and others. Performers featured include Dunasha Payne, Nora Schell, Geena Quintos, Andrea Ambam, Robbie Pollock, Olithea Anglin, Yolanda Peterkin, Selina Fulford, Cheryl Wilkins, Teronia Campbell, Brandon Nase, and others.
New York City, NY; NYC