Filmmaker Robert Beavers presents an evening of short films by Gregory J. Markopoulos (1928-92). Beavers’ selection of films, including Swain, Ming Green, Through a Lens Brightly: Mark Turbyfill, Sorrows and Gilbert & George, reveals Markopoulos’s various approaches to the film-portrait, a genre that he developed in relation to his films of Greek myth and films of place in his monumental final work, Eniaios (1947–1991). These rarely screened films, which will be shown in chronological order, illustrate how fragmentation and movement-in-place are salient qualities in Markopoulos’s filmmaking from Swain through to the portraits in Eniaios. A brief discussion following the screening will focus on Markopoulos's vision of The Temenos (the special open-air cinema theater dedicated to his and Beavers’ works), its archive and projection space, and the premiere of cycles VI – VIII of Eniaios that will take place on June 28–July 1, 2012 in Arcadia, Greece.
New York City, NY; NYC