10:00 AM - Isabel Won, Cello
11:00 AM - Esther Yu, Cello
12:00 PM - Chamber Music
12:00 PM - Songbook (Performed by Pre-College voice students of Lorraine Nubar)
2:00 PM - Kathryn Leung, Violin
2:30 PM - Alyssa Kim, Violin
3:00 PM - Jihye Kim, Clarinet
3:00 PM - Alyssa Yuge, Violin
4:00 PM - Jonathan Bodian, Guitar
5:00 PM - Cello Students of Minhye Clara Kim
5:00 PM - Erica Chang, Clarinet
6:00 PM - Austin Wang, Violin
6:00 PM - Pre-College Piano Students of Victoria Mushkatkol
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