Joanne Kyger is the author of over thirty books and chapbooks. She lives on the coast north of San Francisco and teaches at the Summer Writing Program at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. Her most recent book On Time: Poems 2005–2014, published by City Lights, will be available in April 2015.
Stephen Motika was born in Santa Monica, California, and currently lives and works in Brooklyn and Mileses, New York. His first book of poems, Western Practice, was published by Alice James Books in 2012. Motika is the editor of Tiresias: The Collected Poems of Leland Hickman (2009) and the author of the poetry chapbooks In the Madrones (2011) and Arrival and at Mono (2007). Motika’s articles and poems have appeared in Another Chicago Magazine, BOMB, The Brooklyn Review, The Constant Critic, Eleven Eleven, Maggy, The Poetry Project Newsletter, Staging Ground, and Vanitas, among other publications.
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