Crossroads is a dance, film, and cross-disciplinary performance series that will feature works by 10 artists with diverse aesthetic and conceptual approaches to performance and storytelling. The series centers the voices of queer, BIPOC, and feminist artists. The format provides artists with both an opportunity to present work in a low-pressure setting that encourages experimentation, and space to share their creative practices with other artists and audiences. The series is multigenerational, focusing on community to foster a network of support, exchange, and dialogue. In addition to the performances, Crossroads offers workshops by participating artists and collaborators. Features Angel Acuña, Yoshiko Chuma, Symara Johnson, Anabella Lenzu, Amanda Loulaki,Molly&Nola, Doron Perk, Paz Tanjuaquio, Dane Terry, and Pioneers Go East Collective.
New York City, NY; NYC