Patrizia Cavalli was born in Todi, Umbria in 1949. She has written six collections of poetry: Datura (Einaudi, 2013); Pigre divinità e pigra sorte (Lazy Gods, Lazy Fate) (Einaudi, 2006); Sempre aperto teatro (The Forever Open Theater) (Einaudi, 1999); Poesie 1974–1992 (Poems) (Einaudi, 1992); L’io singolare proprio mio (The All Mine Singular I) (Einaudi, 1992); Il cielo (The Sky) (Einaudi, 1981); and Le mie poesie non cambieranno il mondo (My Poems Will Not Change the World) (Einaudi, 1974).
Rosanna Warren born in 1953 in Fairfield, Connecticut. She is the Hanna Holborn Gray Distinguished Service Professor in the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago. Her most recent books of poems are Ghost in a Red Hat (2011) and Departure (2003), both from W. W. Norton.
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