robbinschilds' "I came here on my own." began on residency in Christchurch, New Zealand. Presented as a four-channel installation, the video's loop perpetuates a seemingly endless quest for something greater. The journey is left intentionally open, at once evoking legend, myth, and fable while simultaneously re-contextualizing the archetypal concepts of man in nature, lone traveler and conquering hero.
Christopher Duffy's "I Think I Want My Energy In All Colors"
is a series of new glass sculptures presented together as a dynamic installation. Suspended from the ceiling of the storefront Project Space, a mechanized series of glass vessels turn on an axis, shimmering and reflecting against the windows. A collection of tubes, acting as a sculptural circulatory system, pass air through glass vessels encased in brightly colored balloons. Expanding and contracting, these inorganic organisms breathe, giving the installation its own heartbeat and pulse.
Jong Oh's "Position, Reposition" is a new site-specific installation. Oh's interventions utilize relatable materials, twine, chair legs, weights, brass knobs -- not manipulated beyond their found state -- in ways that complicate our relationship to everyday objects. Performing a "call and response" with the existing architecture of the Musée Miniscule, Oh's installation evokes and plays with the reductive formalism of Minimalist sculpture.
New York City, NY; NYC