Thanks to its varied habitats and combination of native and introduced species, this world-famous park overflows with wild food. You will find many common wild greens such as lamb's-quarters (a wild spinach), sour wood sorrel and sheep sorrel, spicy poor man's pepper, mild lady's thumb, sour curly dock, huge bitter dock, and string bean-flavored Asiatic dayflower. There grows a huge Kentucky coffee-tree. This import from Dixie has already dropped hundreds of seeds on the ground, which you can roast and use to make the best caffeine-free coffee substitute in the world. The seeds also make an outstanding seasoning in chocolate recipes, such as Kentucky Chocolate Truffles and Kentucky Hot Chocolate. There is also a black walnut tree. The ground will be littered with nuts in spherical green husks, that look like refugees from the tennis courts. You'll stomp off the husks and crack open the tasty nuts with rocks. If the weather has been rainy, the mushrooming should be excellent. The tour will last for about 4 hours. Masks are required.
New York City, NY; NYC