Set against the backdrop of early 20th-century Palestine, The Invaders’ Fear of Memories is a solo performance by Benjamin Rivers exploring the life and diaries of his great-grandfather, Yosef Nachmani. Through twelve distinct characters and songs in multiple languages, Rivers delves into the complexities of loyalty, ideology, and the devastating consequences of settler-colonialism. The Invaders’ Fear of Memories offers an intimate and sobering look at a historical moment that continues to reverberate with devastating consequences in today’s world. This play invites audiences to navigate generational accountability to present-day examples of injustice. Since August 2023, the show has been performed to audiences in Africa, Australia, Europe and North America. Directed by Linda Wise Performed by Benjamin Rivers There will be a half hour Q&A with Rivers after the performance. This play contains themes and descriptions of violence. Viewer discretion is advised. Recommended for mature audiences.
New York City, NY; NYC