An annual festival of January concerts, Time’s Arrow, which exemplifies the church's signature juxtaposition of early and modern music, is a highlight of New York’s musical season. This year’s Time’s Arrow program celebrates the 250th anniversary of the opening of the chapel. Completed on October 30, 1766, the chapel is the oldest surviving church building in Manhattan. Works will range from those foundational to American music to world premieres and commissions from leading American composers. Artemisia (1pm) Laura Schwendinger, composer Ginger Strand, librettist Leni Schwendinger, Lighting-Image Designer Laura Schwedinger's Artemisia, an opera of passion, betrayal and art in 17th century Italy, is based on the life of Italian painter Artemisia Gentileschi. With a libretto by Ginger Strand, author of The Brothers Vonnegut, Artemisia is a recipient of a National Opera Center Discovery grant. REV. 23 (3pm) Julian Wachner, composer and conductor Cerise Jacobs, librettist Mark Streshinsky, stage director Cori Ellison, dramaturg Joe Gladstone, stage manager Daniela Candillari, assistant conductor Friends of Madam White Snake, executive producer NOVUS NY Julian Wachner’s REV. 23 is a comic exploration of an “unpublished” 23rd book of the Revelation, romping through our collective unconscious to connect the Beginning and the End in a libretto crafted by Pulitzer Prize winner Cerise Lim Jacobs.
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