The series follows Jerry Duncan, a popular podcaster who interviews politicians and celebrities in the headlines: everyone from Donald Trump to Bernie Sanders. Jerry is a middle-aged, bombastic, arrogant and at the same time an insecure nebbish who has lived alone with no exit ramp in sight. His mother Maggie is still trying to ruin his life.. even though she died months prior, according to doctors,"by yelling her lungs out until her heart failed." Video series based on off off Broadway play The Jerry Duncan Show. Written by Dean B. Kaner, political satirist for Humor Times. Directed by Broadway veteran Nick Corely (Burn This; Plaza Suite) Cast: Stand-up comic/actor Josh Hyman as Jerry Duncan (Men Are From Mars, Women.. Venus Live!; Drunk Shakespeare), Matthew Arkin as Bernie Sanders (Sunshine Boys, Dinner with Friends, Losing Louis), Molly Erdman as Elizabeth Warren (Second City), Jeff McCarthy as Joe Biden (Urinetown, Beauty and the Beast, Chicago), Lauren Molina as Ginger Daniels (Sweeney Todd, Rock of Ages), June Rachelson-Ospa as the voice of Maggie Duncan (co-wrote Tourettaville, Rapunzarella), Maria Peyramaure as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bart Shatto as Donald Trump (War Paint, The Civil War, Dracula), Christina Bianca as Sarah Palin (singer and leading impressionist; appeared on Ellen and The Today Show). Can be streamed anytime.
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