The interdisciplinary Laboratory for Art Nature and Dance presents this investigation into the NYC watershed viewed as a meta-choreography of the historical, geological, and cultural layers of the interaction of built and natural phenomena of water in the region. Choreographer and iLAND Artistic Director Jennifer Monson, Sound Artist Chris Cogburn, Costume Designer Katrin Schnabl, Architect Kate Cahill, and Choreographer/Dancer Maggie Bennett will create a process that interweaves their forms through listening, observing, moving in and with water affecting the NYC watershed – from along the edges of NYC’s shoreline to the headwaters of the Hudson in the upper reaches of the Adirondacks.
The SIP collaborators invite the public into their process through a dynamic structure that frames and reflects the constantly shifting nature of the watershed. The event builds a system of listening, observing, and moving that creates a porous and fluid experience - the intimacy of which is designed to sustain an immersive experience for both the public and the artists.
The performance will last 30 minutes and is limited to eight people.
New York City, NY; NYC