UNE LETTRE À PAXY Dir. Tshoper Kabambi Senegal/DR Congo 2017, 16 Min. While attending a gathering of African producers in Senegal, filmmaker Tshoper Kabambi reflects on the history and realities of DR Congo in a video letter addressed to his infant daughter. CHRONIQUE CONGOLAISE Dir. Wendy Bashi DR Congo 2017, 25 Min. In the run-up to DR Congo's failed 2016 elections, a team of passionate young Congolese journalists fights to inform the public amid power cuts, internet shutdowns, social media disruptions, and general unrest. KINSHASA COLLECTION: EPISODE #2 - THE VENTURE Dir. Dorothee Werner Germany/DR Congo/China 2017, 27 Min. A three-person film team is on the verge of winning a large contract from an important PR firm. Their pitch: a portrait of Kinshasa as the emerging fashion capital of Africa. Now they must travel to Congo to prove their idea - but it's not going to be as easy as they thought... KWA NINI ART? Dir. Nadia Fazal DR Congo/Canada 2017, 22 Min. Congolese artists, cultural operators, aid workers, and politicians share their perspectives on the role of art and artists in eastern DR Congo, foregrounding the power and responsibility that local artists hold to create social change. Post-Screening Discussion with Nadia Fazal and Allason Leitz.
New York City, NY; NYC