The Open Music Ensemble returns to lead a series of evening meditations with improvised music - all are welcome. The evening begins with a guided meditation, awakening the senses. Next, the musicians play; weaving a colorful carpet of sound through improvisation, deepening the experience of being in the present. You are welcome to meditate, move and stretch, write in a journal or draw while the musicians play. After the music, sit briefly in silence. To close, we invite you to speak and share your experience.
The evening will begin in silence. After a brief spoken introduction, members of the audience will be invited to place their attention on the sounds and silences especially created for the group by the Ensemble or to engage in any other meditative practice they might prefer while the musicians perform. After the musicians have finished playing there will be a short period of silence. At the end of the evening participants will be invited to share their meditation experiences with others present. The program is open to beginning, intermediate or advanced meditators.
New York City, NY; NYC